Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Dealing with imposter syndrome on your own can be challenging, but you need to recognize that you don’t have to be alone in this. If you want to manage imposter…

Biohacking Secrets

In this video guide you will learn what optimal living is all about and how you can make changes to your life to exploit its full potential. Optimal living, at…

The Power of Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is not a neat little trait that we can choose to have. It is THE trait for ultimate success. Without self-discipline, everything else falls apart. You may not be…

Bulletproof Motivation

Once you get your motivation and your discipline sorted, you will find that you have more time to enjoy yourself or to relax with family. That’s because you’ll be able to work…

Wired for Greatness

Living a legendary life, essentially, means that you’re living your best life. It means trying to maximize the potential in everything you do to give yourself the best chance of feeling…

Coping With Stress

Stress is not a new phenomenon. While the demands of daily living have changed, the fact is that humans have been combatting stress and utilizing it for their survival for…

The Abundance Mindset

People who are stuck in a cycle of scarcity often adopt behaviors that keep them in this vicious circle. Being aware of those destructive behaviors can be helpful to access abundance.…


Increasing our awareness of how we use technology is key to succeeding in adopting healthier behaviors. Not only are we more likely to change our habits, but we are also…

Peak Productivity

Whether at home or at work, tripling your productivity offers a host of advantages. When you’re more productive, every area of your life can benefit. Tripling your productivity can eliminate…